123Library eJournals
Important Publication Statements
Authors submitting papers to the Foundation Years Journal and Core Surgery Journal ("the Journals") should be read the following important statements.
Financial Statement
- The Journals are financed by subscriptions and advertising.
- The Journals do not receive money from any other sources, and authors are not paid.
- The decision to accept or refuse an article for publication in the Journals is free from financial considerations and is solely the responsibility of the Journal's Editorial Panel and Editor-in-Chief.
Conflicts of Interest
- The Journals require that authors disclose any potential conflict of interest that they may have. This is clearly stated in the Journals' published Guidelines for Authors.
- The Journals follow the Guidelines against Conflict of Interest published in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.
Animal and Human Rights
- When reporting experiments on human subjects, the Journals require authors to indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the WMA Declaration of Helsinki of 1975, as revised in 2008.
Informed Consent
- 123Library recognises patients' right to privacy. We require Authors to maintain patients' anonymity and to obtain consent to report investigations involving human subjects when anonymity may be compromised.
- The Journals follow the Guidelines of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts.
- The Journals require in their Guidelines for Authors a statement from Authors that "the subject gave informed consent".