Primary FRCA: Composition of the exam

Composition of the Primary FRCA Written exam

The Primary FRCA is comprised of a written, oral, and clinical section. 123Doc prepares its students for the written portion of the Primary FRCA. The written element of the Primary FRCA is composed of 90 multiple-choice questions (MCQ). Within the 90 MCQs, questions are further divided into three subsections. Approximately 30 questions are derived from pharmacology, 30 questions from physiology and biochemistry, and 30 questions in physics and clinical measurement. The duration of the exam is 3 hours.

Example of a Primary FRCA MCQ (True/False question)

The following statements concerning vasoactive factors are true:-


  1. Endothelin-1 is a potent vasoconstrictor True
  2. Endothelin-1 is broken down by endothelin-converting enzyme False
  3. Nitric oxide is synthesised from L-arginine True
  4. Infusion of nitric oxide antagonists causes vasoconstriction in normal humans True
  5. Nitric oxide activity is enhanced by cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors True