Emergency Care: Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries in Accident & Emergency covers all of the common injuries for both adults and children. There are examples of history taking, examination, radiology, treatment and advice for each condition. General sections are provided to cover communication in the ED environment, documentation and the special needs of certain patient groups. It includes four and a half hours of video footage in and around the A&E environment.
The title is comprehensive but easy to digest and subjects are tackled in a practical way. It can be used by individual learners or by teachers of minor injury.
Video includes
- General skills reviewed
- Clinical Cases include: bites, burns & sprain, head injuries, neck & back injuries, shoulder injuries, elbow Injuries, wrist injuries, lower limb injuries, foot injuries, foreign bodies, child specific injuries
- Procedures include: dressings, lings, plints, oreign odies, Plaster of Paris, Wound Management, Regional anaesthesia, Reducing dislocation
This video is aimed at
- General Practitioners who offer minor injury services or who wish to set up one
- Primary care nurses who deliver minor injury services
- Emergency Nurses Practitioners
- Walk-in Centres & Minor Injury Unit