Clinical Case Database / Category: Patient Management

Orbital apex syndrome secondary to herpes zoster ophthalmicus

Publication details

Dr F Angela Knox MRCOphth, Dr Martin Murphy FRCOphth, Dr D Patel MRCOphth
Foundation Years Journal, volume 4, issue 6, p.24 (123Doc Education, London, June 2010)


We report a case of herpes zoster ophthalmicus complicated by orbital apex syndrome. The clinical course and treatment of the patient is detailed with discussion of hypothesised pathogenesis in the published literature. This case highlights the possible associated ocular complication of herpes zoster ophthalmicus.

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Dr F Angela Knox MRCOphth

Department of Ophthalmology
Royal Victoria Hospital

Dr Martin Murphy FRCOphth

Department of Ophthalmology
Royal Victoria Hospital

Dr D Patel MRCOphth

Department of Ophthalmology
Royal Victoria Hospital
Grosvenor Road
Belfast BT12 6BA


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4. Tayson DeLengocky, Christina M. (2008) Complete Ophthalmoplegia With Pupillary Involvement as an Initial Clinical Presentation of Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus. J Am Osteo Assoc, 108(10):615–621.
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6. Gordon IRS, Tucker JD. (1945) Lesions of the central nervous system in herpes zoster. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. 8:40–46.
7. Krumholz S, Luihan JA. (1945) Encephalitis associated with herpes zoster. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 53:59–67.
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