Clinical Case Database / Category: Clinical Care

Introduction to alcohol use disorders and treatment of alcohol dependence

Publication details

Dr. Mani Sairam, Dr. Christos Koiumtsidis
Foundation Years Journal, volume 5, issue 10, p.37 (123Doc Education, London, December 2011)


The presentation of alcohol and drug misuse is not limited to a particular psychiatric or medical speciality. Alcohol and drugs play an important part in all aspects of psychiatric practice. This article looks at the different types of alcohol use disorders, how to assess people with such disorders (with the aid of validated assessment tools) and the appropriate treatment pathway recommended by recent NICE guidelines. Information on pharmacological interventions available during the process of detoxification and relapse-prevention is also available. This has been done with a case example to help apply theory and guidelines to clinical practice.

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Dr. Mani Sairam

ST4 WestHerts Community drug & alcohol team.

Dr. Christos Koiumtsidis

MBBS, MSc, MRCPsych, PhD
Consultant Psychiatrist West Herts Community drug & alcohol team.


1. Gelder M, Harrison P, Cowen P. The misuse of drugs & alcohol. In: Gelder M, Harrison P, Cowen P. Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th edn. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006; 429-469
2. Kouimtsidis C, Drabble K, Ford L. Implementation and evaluation of a three stages community treatment programme for alcohol dependence. A short report. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy (in print, 2011, available on request).
3. Kouimtsidis C. & Ford L. A staged programme approach for alcohol dependence: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy groups for detoxification preparation and aftercare; preliminary findings. Short report. Drugs: education, prevention and policy (in print; on line September 2010).
4. National Institute for health & clinical excellence, NICE 2010. Alcohol-use disorders- diagnosis, assessment & management of harmful drinking & alcohol dependence.
5. Kouimtsidis C and Schifano F. Prescribing policy for specialist addiction services in Hertfordshire partnership NHS foundation trust, 2010.
6. Raistrick D, Heather H, Godfrey C. Review of the effectiveness of treatment for alcohol problems. National treatment agency for substance misuse, London; Department of Health, 2006.


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T​he Foundation Years Clinical Cases Database is​ a selection of 600 peer-reviewed clinical cases in the field of patient safety and clinical practice, specifically focused on the clinical information needs of junior doctors, based around the Foundation Year Curriculum programme (MMC). The cases have been chosen to align with the Foundation Year Curriculum.

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