Clinical Case Database / Category: Patient Management

Beware of Addison's Disease

Publication details

Dr Joseph Freer, Dr Adele Cowper
Foundation Years Journal, volume 8, issue 8, p.10 (123Doc Education, London, September 2014)


We describe a girl with known Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus who had multiple presentations to the paediatric department before that "unforgiving master of non-specificity and disguise" (1), Addison's disease, was identified. The diagnosis was delayed and we present this case to highlight the difficulties in diagnosing Addison's disease in the context of commoner comorbidities.

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Dr Joseph Freer (Corresponding author)

FY1 Doctor
Newham University Hospital
Glenn Road, London, E13 8SL

Dr Adele Cowper

SpR Paediatrics
Newham University Hospital
Glenn Road, London, E13 8SL


1.  Brosnan C., Gowing N. Addison's disease. BMJ 1996 Apr 27;312(7038):1085-7

2.  Donohoue PA. The adrenal gland and its disorder. In: Kappy M. et al, Principles and Practice of Pediatric Endocrinology, Springfield 2005, P 357.

3.  Nieman, L. Causes of primary adrenal insufficiency. In: UpToDate, Basow, DS (Ed). UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2013. 4. Stewart P., Krone N. The Adrenal Cortex. In: Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2011: chap 15.

5.  Betterle C. et al. Autoimmune Addison's Disease. In: Ghizzoni, L. Cappa M. et al. Pediatric Adrenal Diseases. 2011, vol 20, pp 161–172

6.  Stewart P., Krone N. The Adrenal Cortex. In: Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2011: chap 15.

7.  Stewart P., Krone N. The Adrenal Cortex. In: Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2011: chap 15.

8.  LøvÃ¥s K, Husebye E. High prevalence and increasing incidence of Addison's disease in western Norway. In: Endocrinol (Oxf). 2002 Jun;56(6):787-91.

9.  Perry R et al. Primary adrenal insufficiency in children: twenty years experience at the Sainte-Justine Hospital, Montreal. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90 :3243– 3250

10.  Longmore, M. et al Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, 8th ed. Oxford, 2012: chap 5 11. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics, 3rd ed. Elselvier; 2001; p 395

12.  Lamers F. et al Prevalence and Correlates of Prolonged Fatigue in a U.S. Sample of Adolescents. American Journal of Psychiatry, May 2013; 170 (5); 502-510. doi: 10.1176

13.  Micali N. et al, The incidence of eating disorders in the UK in 2000-2009: findings from the General Practice Research Database. BMJ Open doi: 20.1136/bmjopen-2013-002646

14.  Kadiyala R et al.Thyroid dysfunction in patients with diabetes: clinical implications and screening strategies. Int J Clin Pract. 2010 Jul;64(8):1130-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2010.02376.x.

15.  Freemark, M., Levitsky, L. Screening for Celiac Disease in Children With Type 1 Diabetes: Two views of the controversy. Diabetes Care June 2003 26:1932-1939.

16.  Barker J et al. Autoantibody "subspecificity" in Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care Apr 2005; 28:850-855

17.  Likhari T et al. Screening for Addison's disease in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and recurrent hypoglycaemia. Postgrad Med J. 2007 June; 83(980): 420–421


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About the Clinical Cases Database

T​he Foundation Years Clinical Cases Database is​ a selection of 600 peer-reviewed clinical cases in the field of patient safety and clinical practice, specifically focused on the clinical information needs of junior doctors, based around the Foundation Year Curriculum programme (MMC). The cases have been chosen to align with the Foundation Year Curriculum.

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